

‘I’m Shocked at This’: Shark Tank Investor Explains Why NY’s Anti-Trump Ruling Should Send Business Owners Fleeing

Kevin O'Leary of 'Shark Tank' has proposed a boycott of New York City in response to Judge Arthur Engoron's $355 million decision against former...

Donald Trump Gets Behind Growing ‘Truckers for Trump’ Movement Boycotting Shipments to NYC

Truck drivers who support former President Trump have stated that they would not be going to New York City to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with...

‘Gangsta’ Mayor Accused of Weaponizing Police, Shutting Down Businesses If They Don’t Contribute to Her Campaign

Tiffany Henyard, the mayor of a small Illinois town, has always exuded a certain kind of swagger while in office. But citizens now accuse the...

New Report: Joe Biden was ‘Central Element’ of Brother’s Foreign Influence-Peddling to Middle East

It has been a constant refrain among defenders of President Joe Biden that his family benefiting from foreign influence-peddling abroad took place without his...

Harvard Economist Needed ‘Armed Guard’ After Publishing Study Finding No Racial Bias In Police Shootings

Harvard economics Professor Roland Fryer needed armed security with him to go out in public after he published a study finding no evidence of...

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